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Arts and Culture

Music Therapist Shares Knowledge in Cayman

When members of the SoNoRo music festival came to the Cayman Islands earlier last month to play a series of four resoundingly successful concerts in collaboration with Cayman Arts Festival, they brought with them a pianist who shared knowledge instead of her musical talents.

06 May, 2024

Happy Mother’s Day

We will celebrate Mother’s Day on Sunday May 12, 2024, and as we take a pause from our busy schedules of business development, education and job seeking, we wish to say a heartfelt Thank You to all Mothers.

08 May, 2024

Auditor General, Sue Winspear, leaving role after 8 years of distinguished service

Auditor General, Sue Winspear, is leaving her position this year after 8 years of distinguished service to the people and Government of the Cayman Islands.

27 May, 2024

CUC Addresses Generation Capacity and Increased Risk of Load-Shedding

Caribbean Utilities Company, Ltd. (“CUC” or “the Company”) wishes to provide an update to the Grand Cayman community regarding the current generation capacity for the island.

28 May, 2024

Moon on a Rainbow Shawl

Put on by the Cayman National Cultural Foundation at the Harquail Theatre, Moon on A Rainbow Shawl is a play about dreams of hope which might come true, but which you secretly know never will. The play which was written by Errol John in the 1950,s and is set in Port of Spain, Trinidad, about a time

28 Nov, 2018

Oolong TEA

Made from the leaves, buds and stems of the Camellia sinensis plant, this tea is slightly fermented and semi- oxidized giving a taste in between black and green tea. The most famous of this tea comes from Fuijan region of China. Being one of the most commonly bused teas in China and Taiwan,

28 Aug, 2019

An Irreconcilable Juxtaposition

I thought long and hard before I committed myself to type my gut response to the bold headline and article on page two of the Weekend Living section of the Cayman Compass, Friday, 29 November 2019.

04 Dec, 2019 2 Comments

National Logistics

National Logistics are really a “one-stop-shop” for shipping goods too or from the Cayman Islands. “We are an international shipping and logistics company based here in Grand Cayman, off the Lincoln Road,” said John Marcus.

04 Dec, 2019

Orchid Show Cancelled

Following the response and guidelines set forth by the Cayman Islands Government due to the current coronavirus (COVID-19), and in the interest and wellbeing of the Cayman community, the Queen Elizabeth II Botanic Park and the Cayman Islands Orchid Society has regrettably cancelled....

17 Mar, 2020

CELEBRATING CAYMAN WRITERS, WRITINGS & THE ARTS: Transformative Role of the Storyteller

Dr Stephanie Fullerton-Cooper is an Associate Professor of English at the University College of the Cayman Islands. She has a passion for promoting Caribbean, and Cayman, literature, and Caymanian Times has provided this space for her to do so on a fortnightly basis.

27 Jan, 2021 1 Comments
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