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UCCI Awards Scholarships

Over the past week, the University College of the Cayman Islands has presented over $100,000 in scholarships to 81 students.

12 Oct, 2021

CI$500,000 for new Covid assistance programme

Resilience Cayman has just announced a new Covid-19 assistance programme that is supported by a CI$500,000 grant from R3 Cayman Foundation which will provide food vouchers, utilities relief and rent assistance to individuals and families whose employment income has been severely reduced....

04 Nov, 2021 1 Comments

Reopen Cayman: Ready for reopening

The Reopen Cayman campaign is looking forward to the reopening of the borders on 20 November. But that optimism is tempered by a note of caution that it could take a while before business returns to anything equating pre-pandemic levels.

15 Nov, 2021

All of the lonely people: Changing our perspective to communicate with others

Loneliness is a state of mind that causes people to feel empty, alone, and unwanted. It results when one perceives a gap between one’s desires for social connection and the actual experiences of it.

27 Jan, 2022

Achieving Sustainable Growth

Let’s start by stating some simple truths. It is the private sector that generates growth and creates jobs.

10 Aug, 2022

Public Health removes requirements for COVID testing

Public Health Department has announced that effective 1st March 2023, confirmation PCR testing for positives will no longer be required and COVID testing centres will cease operations on all three islands. LFT positive online reporting will also no longer be required.

25 Feb, 2023


Government leaders of the UK’s Overseas Territories (OTs) and the UK ministers and senior officials concluded the 2023 Joint Ministerial Council(JMC) summit held in London (May 11th and 12th) alongside a series of other prior engagements which included attending the coronation of King Charles III.

24 May, 2023

Residents to Plan for Hurricane Season

With the first month of the Hurricane season past without incident to the Cayman Islands, officials continue to encourage residents to have hurricane supplies and plans ready in preparation for the season.

03 Jul, 2023

5 Fitness Rules…

Here are my 5 personal fitness rules. Stick with them at least 90% of the time to keep your body healthy and hot.

15 Nov, 2023

Beacon Farms partners with IWC and Foster’s to recycle compostable waste

Beacon Farms is partnering with Island Waste Carriers (IWC) and Foster’s supermarkets to recycle green and brown waste into compost.

11 Mar, 2024
Showing from 941 of 11238 News